Karmiv Roots

Anchoring Life...

Karmic Root
Karmic Root

Karmic Roots

Astrological Analysis
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते माफलेषु कदाचन।
माकर्मफलहेतु र्भूर्माते सङ्गो ऽ स्त्वकर्मणि॥

Our Body is governed by 7 Chakras and each chakra has an energy of its own.

Mooladhara represents Earth energy supporting Survival, Swadhistana Chakra represents Water energy promoting nourishment, Manipura Chakra spreads the Fire Element within the body, aiding digestion, Anahata Chakra represents Love for self and for others, Vishuddha Chakra represents communication, to express one’s feelings, Ajna Chakra represents the intuition or self-knowledge , and the seventh chakra Sahastrara or Crown Chakra , where the Soul is united with Cosmic Consciousness and is liberated of all Karmas.

These chakras inside the body are regulated with Other Chakras or energy circles in the outer universe. We can call them planets or nakshatras and Zodiacs which are scattered all across the universe. We can say that these energy chakras have a signalling system in tune with the Human body Chakras.

Each Human being born on this planet is predominantly governed by a particular set of energy and is opposed by another set of energies. Human life is a process to bring harmony between these two opposing forces and create a balance in life, soul and mindset.

The energies, when out of balance either on the inside or on the outside, creates havoc and confusion in the life of us Human beings. Hence, it’s important to understand the minutest detail of our own anatomy and the way Universal energies operate.

Here Comes the science of Astrological Understanding of one’s own anatomy through the alignment of one’s energy circles, which once understood, shall bring in peace understanding and opens up a door to understand things beyond our perception.

Karmic Roots

Introspect. Reflect. Enlighten

to help the Mind, body and Soul accomplish greater productivity and Peace through unravelling the hidden potential of a personality.

We aspire to bring back the healing touch of Human intervention to work upon the subconsciously rooted fears, phobias and patterns which disrupt a person's growth.

Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots

Listen, Act, Learn, Repeat

We aspire to bring back the healing touch of Human intervention and help a person realize his full potential for an overall organic growth . We work together with you on the underlying fears which have deep subconscious roots, thus helping you realise your fullest potential as also the weaknesses which require a root level understanding to maneuver them.

Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots

Listen, Act, Learn, Repeat

Our Value system is based on the ancient Vedas and the esoteric knowledge of Scriptures and sciences like Astrology and life Sciences.

We tend to Value Human Life as sacred, intelligent and beyond all life forms.

Healthy mind .... Healthy Body..... Healthy Soul

Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots