Karmiv Roots

Anchoring Life...

Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots

Karmic Roots

Mental health Analysis
प्रकृतेः क्रियमाणानि गुणैः कर्माणि सर्वशः।
अहङ्कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताऽहमिति मन्यते।।

The Action we do is inspired by the inherent qualities nature has bestowed upon us, but the ignorant mind out of ego says- I am the doer.The Action we do is inspired by the inherent qualities nature has bestowed upon us, but the ignorant mind out of ego says- I am the doer.

The mind has a peculiar problem, it keeps thinking about an issue till it either solves it, understands it or resolves it. In absence of any of the aforementioned situations, it keeps moving in a loop, searching for a viable solution. No sooner, the loop becomes the habit of the brain, lest it finds the solution.

The continuation of this loop, in absence of a solution, at times, gives rise to ailments like anxiety, panic attacks and in worst cases depression too. Schizophrenia patients have long been found to complain about uneasiness of a particular 'given' situation way before these attacks become prominent .

Medical attention, no doubt, becomes quite important in this scenario, to abstain the brain from getting into a loop situation. Alongside, it really helps to understand the ‘root cause’ of such situations, and sideways work on the karmic chakra too, to avoid carrying forward the debt or the situation in the next birth or for a prolonged period.

Karmic Roots

Introspect. Reflect. Enlighten

to help the Mind, body and Soul accomplish greater productivity and Peace through unravelling the hidden potential of a personality.

We aspire to bring back the healing touch of Human intervention to work upon the subconsciously rooted fears, phobias and patterns which disrupt a person's growth.

Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots

Listen, Act, Learn, Repeat

We aspire to bring back the healing touch of Human intervention and help a person realize his full potential for an overall organic growth . We work together with you on the underlying fears which have deep subconscious roots, thus helping you realise your fullest potential as also the weaknesses which require a root level understanding to maneuver them.

Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots

Listen, Act, Learn, Repeat

Our Value system is based on the ancient Vedas and the esoteric knowledge of Scriptures and sciences like Astrology and life Sciences.

We tend to Value Human Life as sacred, intelligent and beyond all life forms.

Healthy mind .... Healthy Body..... Healthy Soul

Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots
Karmic Roots