Karmic Roots
न कर्मणामनारम्भान्नैष्कर्म्यं पुरुषोऽश्नुते।
न च संन्यसनादेव सिद्धिं समधिगच्छति॥
मनुष्य न तो कर्मों का आरम्भ किये बिना निष्कर्मता को प्राप्त होता है और न कर्मों के त्याग मात् रसे सिद् धिको ही प्राप्त होता है।
Each soul is born into this world with a particular mission to accomplish and a few lessons to learn and evolve as a being. As per the Scriptures, the Soul shall not leave this earth, without witnessing those lessons and accomplishing either the complete or a minor form of the task.
The Soul arrives on this earth with a few unique subsets of in-born talent and capabilities, based on his previous birth. The Soul has to continue its journey and accomplish the unfinished tasks of its previous life .
if the Soul achieves the purpose, it shall live the Life peacefully and one can sense perfect harmony both on the inside and outside. On the Contrary, if the Soul appears unhappy or dissatisfied with life or the situations around, it's merely because the purpose of his/her life is not very clear or the Soul is not very certain of the tasks he/she needs to perform in this life.
We are governed by multiple energies as a life form, and any single sphere which doesn’t fix or work properly can create havoc on the other spheres of life. For eg- if the Work sphere is not up to your Soul’s desire or happiness, the domestic or family sphere can feel the disruptions within no time, eventually leading to the mental uneasiness of a person and giving rise to some ailments (health sphere) in the long run.
The Soul either finishes its pending Karmas and goes to eternal hibernation or rest in the Universe, or it creates a new set of records in the Karmic account, which shall be carried forward to the new life. The only certain thing is , the Soul will have to finish its ‘Karmic Debt’ or settle actions and issues before it can rest or attain Nirvana.
We at Karmic Roots, work on a person’s abilities, capabilities and his ‘Dharmic avtaran’ (Soul’s Righteous incarnation) on this earth, making the alignment of the Soul in tune with the Universe’ axis. This would cause less friction with the surrounding atmosphere and would bring on peace within the Soul.
Introspect. Reflect. Enlighten
to help the Mind, body and Soul accomplish greater productivity and Peace through unravelling the hidden potential of a personality.We aspire to bring back the healing touch of Human intervention to work upon the subconsciously rooted fears, phobias and patterns which disrupt a person's growth.
Listen, Act, Learn, Repeat
We aspire to bring back the healing touch of Human intervention and help a person realize his full potential for an overall organic growth . We work together with you on the underlying fears which have deep subconscious roots, thus helping you realise your fullest potential as also the weaknesses which require a root level understanding to maneuver them.
Listen, Act, Learn, Repeat
Our Value system is based on the ancient Vedas and the esoteric knowledge of Scriptures and sciences like Astrology and life Sciences.
We tend to Value Human Life as sacred, intelligent and beyond all life forms.
Healthy mind .... Healthy Body..... Healthy Soul